By Evyn Roliz
After a months-long search for a new theater director following Mr. Ferrar’s exit, NHP Theater is experiencing a change in schedule for the 2023-2024 school year. The school’s musical will run at its usual time in March, and the play will now be performed in May under the direction of Mr. Scott, a former NHP science teacher and soccer coach, who has years of theater experience.
"New Hyde Park High School has always been my home away from home," Mr. Scott said. "Since my retirement, I have been fortunate enough to have never left the soccer program. Now I am lucky to have the opportunity to return to the musical. It is a dream come true!"
Before Mr. Scott took back his role as the theater director, there was an extensive search for a replacement for Mr. Ferrar’s position. Over the summer, the school district offered the position to Travis Youssef, who worked on last year’s "Mary Poppins" production, but he had accepted a position elsewhere.
“By the time the district finally approved him, he unfortunately had a change to work opportunities, which is his full-time job. He could no longer help us out,” Director of Student Activities Ms. Vosswinkel-Blum said.
Dr. Faccio, Ms. Vosswinkel-Blum and other administrators began interviewing new candidates for the position. Mr. Scott was hired at the end of November to direct this year’s productions. His familiarity with the NHP community and outside experience with theater made him the perfect fit for the role.

Source by Suha Tasfia
Due to complications in finding a new director, NHP Theater postponed their winter play for the spring.
The date of the play was moved from mid-November to May to accommodate enough time for preparation for both the play and the musical separately. After December 2024, the rights to use “Beauty and the Beast” in a high school production will be revoked, so both Mr. Scott and Dr. Faccio wanted to take this opportunity to take advantage of the musical while it was still available.
“The reason why we said yes was because this is the last time we're going to be able to use ‘Beauty and the Beast’ in a high school musical since they’re taking it off of the rotation,” Dr. Faccio said.
Many students involved in school productions were both relieved and excited to hear the news that both a musical and play would still be feasible this year.
“Honestly, we were all worried that we wouldn’t have time to organize a production this year, so everyone was really happy hearing that we’d still be able to do both,” sophomore Caleigh Grima said.
“As an officer in stage crew, I’ve been waiting and hoping for news and I’m so glad we can have a musical and play,” junior Esther Panicker said. “We have done 'Beauty and the Beast' before but that was a long time ago. I hope that we can start practicing and get the show ready for all to see.”
After the search for a new director has concluded, students are excited and relieved that their shows will go on. Although the play will be postponed, the overall reaction from the NHP population seems to be joyful at the chance for students to showcase their talent.