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Winners of Teacher Superlatives

The Chariot hosted a Teacher Superlative contest from December 7 to December 9, where NHP students grades 9-12 voted for their favorite teachers through a Google Form. For each of the twelve superlatives, people voted for one male and one female teacher. Don't forget to click the arrows to see more pictures. Here are the results!

Best Hair: Mr. Maltese and Ms. Calise

Source by Anna Detke

Math teacher Ms. Calise's golden hair along with math teacher Mr. Maltese's shiny bald head and perfectly trimmed beard gave no room for doubt that they would win Best Hair.

Best Dressed: Mr. Novak and Ms. Psaros

Source by Anna Detke

Social studies teacher Mr. Novak's outfits are always on point with his cardigans, and despite being on maternity leave, NHP students all knew social studies teacher Ms. Psaros' diverse wardrobe deserved Best Dressed.

Crazy for Coffee: Mr. Stencel and Ms. Pazik

Source by Anna Detke

Students know English teacher Mr. Stencel blows through at least five mugs of coffee before third period, and math teacher Ms. Pazik is never seen without a cup on her desk.

Most Dependable: Dr. Yen and Ms. Mannle

Source by Anna Detke

Students know they can count on English teachers Ms. Mannle and Dr. Yen for anything, whether it is English extra help, Lance and The Chariot, or to just be there to talk to.

Most Likely to Cure COVID-19: Mr. Sime and Ms. Gelber

Source by Anna Detke

As two of the most knowledgeable teachers at NHP science teacher Ms. Gelber and math teacher Mr. Sime were the perfect candidates to win Most Likely to Cure COVID-19.

Loudest Teacher: Mr. Gordon and Ms. Stone

Source by Anna Detke

If you did not know, the science wing is one of the loudest. People can hear Mr. Gordon's infamous "HOWDY!" and Ms. Stone's chemistry lessons from down the hallway.

Best Sense of Humor: Mr. Ferrara and Ms. Phillip

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

Laughter can be heard from Ms. Phillip's science classes and Mr. Ferrara's English classes every single day as they make their courses some of students' favorites in all of high school.

Most Chill: Mr. Chuba and Ms. Ziegler

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

Students dubbed English teacher Ms. Ziegler and social studies teacher Mr. Chuba Most Chill because of the cool, calm vibes in the classroom.

Most Athletic: Dr. Kowalcyzk and Ms. Rizzuti

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

Girls' volleyball and softball coach Ms. Rizzuti and NHP track coach and marathon-runner Dr. K dominated the votes for Most Athletic.

Best Storyteller: Mr. Karabuber and Dr. Lapiano-Smith

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

Science teacher Mr. Karabuber's tales about Brooklyn and science teacher DLaps' stories from the lab never fail to put a smile on their students' faces.

Most School Spirit: Mr. Dolan and Ms. Kaspar

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

Physical education teacher Mr. Dolan and English teacher Ms. Kaspar are two of the best supporters of everything NHP and can be seen cheering on students from the sidelines, chaperoning events, and sporting the most merch ever.

Attached at the Hip: Mr. Brusca and Mr. Maltese

Source from Ms. Mary Kay Mannle

Watch as Mr. Maltese and Mr. Brusca take their free periods to get lunch together - nothing can keep these two math teachers apart.

Attached at the Hip: Ms. Caliendo and Ms. Mei

Source by Sydney Hargrove, @sydneysscrapbook

With matching outfits and masks, Spanish teachers Ms. Mei and Ms. Caliendo are always seen together in the World Language hallway.

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