By Vishnu Suresh
New Year resolutions are one of the most, if not the most popular New Year's traditions celebrated on this day. People list their goals for the next year as well as retrace their steps in the previous to see if they fulfilled their wishes. Some common resolutions are getting more active, becoming a better person, trying new things, and being kinder to those around them.
Students and teachers at New Hyde Park Memorial High School named some of their own resolutions.
“For next year, I want to be a better student and a better person overall to everyone around me,” said eighth grader Madhav Shibu.
“I want to be a better student and try to be more fluent in Japanese,” said seventh grader Meera Lal.
“To drink water more and to read more,” said senior Gauri Shyamnath.

Artwork by Kayla Shu
NHP shares their New Year's Resolutions with The Chariot as 2020 comes to a close.
“For me, I want to make new friends and get better grades in school,” said eighth grader Derek Yang.
“I really want to get better at basketball, so I can beat my friends,” said eighth grader Ryan Lin.
“I want to work out everyday and get more active,” said senior Pranav Palanickal.
“My new year resolution is to average 95,” said eighth grader Jeremy Delacruz.
“I’d like to spend less time on my phone and social media, more time in the gym and cultivate a vegetable garden,” said science teacher Ms. Phillip.
“I resolve to improve my golf game so I can consistently break a score of 100 at Bethpage State Park,” said math teacher Mr. Basil.
“A New Year's resolution I can give is to get better at basketball,” said eighth grader Sanjay Chemban.
“To remember every day how thankful I am for what I have,” said English teacher Ms. Katz.
It is safe to say that many people are looking forward to 2021 and what is to come.