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Column: The Chariot's Guide to Successful Studying

By Olivia Wong

When September rolled around, the coronavirus threw everyone into the deep end with remote learning. Now, it is up to students to fulfill their own responsibilities and respect all of the efforts that provided an opportunity to continue education.

Remote learning is certainly different because of the decrease in tests in classes. Homework and participation are more heavily considered, which is a change that has mostly positive effects. In some classes, it is more important to follow along with the PowerPoint and attempt the homework instead of frantically cramming for a 100 point test that counts for 90% of an average. With less stress and anxiety due to the reduction of graded assessments and the ability to have open notes, there is more emphasis on the actual understanding of the topic.

Source by Olivia Wong

A cup of water is essential for a productive, healthy study session.

“Things this year are definitely affecting everyone across the board. Individual students’ responsibility for learning material is much more on their shoulders than in past years,” said math teacher Mr. Sime.

Evidently, there are still countless challenges with remote learning. Young people are forced to sit for six-plus hours in front of a screen, juggle family responsibilities, and maintain a social life. However, underclassmen, especially sophomores and juniors, should take advantage of the time at home to create good studying habits. It can be said that a work ethic has not yet been instilled in some students this age, but with that being said, there is no time like the present.

Seize this opportunity to stop (extreme) procrastinating. Create a schedule, set reminders, and complete your responsibilities to the fullest. If you have an iPhone, the reminders app is a lifesaver because you can set a date and time on a note without using an overwhelming calendar. Everyone has their own rhythm when working, so some people work better under pressure while others do not. With that being said, it is still important to stay organized so you do not miss any deadlines or forget to fulfill a responsibility.

Listen to music, FaceTime a friend while doing homework, open a window, and have a cup of water on your desk. If you have trouble focusing or you are distracted by your phone, film a time-lapse of yourself working to resist the temptation of aimlessly scrolling through social media for hours at a time. It is important to take breaks, but leave the phone in a different room. Reward yourself with a few (or ten!) Netflix episodes only after you have completed all your responsibilities, and sometimes, the feeling of that accomplishment is satisfaction enough.

Needing help is not embarrassing; it shows that you are recognizing your challenges and working to improve...

Take the initiative to reach out to someone. If you realize that you have been struggling, there are resources. Life only throws more responsibilities your way as you age, and you will need to become independent sooner than later. However, this does not mean that you are alone. Email your guidance counselor if you feel you would benefit from a tutor. Needing help is not embarrassing; it shows that you are recognizing your challenges and working to improve.

Remember to stay true to yourself and your passions. Academics are important and you should keep them at the top of your priority list, but remember to pursue what you love, whether it is art, music, or sports, to name a few. Having an extracurricular activity to look forward to at the end of the day makes school more bearable, and if you are thinking about going to college, admissions officers look for more than grades, too.

Think about how far we have come from the beginning of this pandemic. From the quick adaptations to technology to the start of virtual extracurriculars, the improvements at New Hyde Park Memorial are immeasurable. Everyone is trying their hardest to make the best of this situation; it is all we can do, and your attitude makes all the difference in the world.


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