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A Glance at the Lance

By Helee Shukla

With only eight more school days in the year, NHP seniors eagerly await the last few class activities planned for them, as well as graduation, with readiness and anticipation. As many seniors are prepared to embark on the next chapters of their lives in college, trade school, the military or other avenues, many simultaneously enjoy the events that mark the end of their high school career: College T-shirt Day and yearbook distribution.

Source from Helee Shukla

Seniors Paul Wang, Alyssa Hardeen, Kushpreet Ahuja and Helee Shukla pose in front of the photo booth set up by the guidance department.

While National College Decision Day was May 1, 2023, meaning that most seniors had to accept their enrollment offer to one institution, NHP’s Guidance department, Class of 2023 advisers and officers planned College T-shirt Day to take place towards the end of the month. During this time, most of the waitlist decisions are rolling in and other institution enrollment deadlines have passed. Celebrating College T-shirt Day on May 30 allowed the majority of seniors to confidently share their future plans with their fellow classmates, teachers and counselors.

“It was very fun and sweet seeing everyone wear their college t-shirts. It reminded me of how far we’ve come, and it made me excited for the new memories that I am going to make. I found out where a lot of my peers were going, and it was sad knowing that there was a possibility we may not see one another beyond high school,” senior Kushpreet Ahuja said.

“Seeing everyone wear their t-shirts was bittersweet knowing that we’ve been with these kids for so long and everyone’s going their own ways,” senior Melinda Mathew said.

“It was fun seeing everyone wearing their college t-shirts on the same day. To be honest, I almost forgot that t-shirt day was today, so to all juniors: set a reminder for yourself when the time comes,” senior David Ren said.

Source by Julia Esposito

Seniors Rachel Priest and Ava Geigle show off their college merch. Rachel will be attending Binghamton University for Psychology and Ava is attending Marist Honors College for Secondary Education with specialization in Biology.

To many seniors, committing to college is both an exciting and bittersweet moment, and sharing the thrill with classmates only adds to the sentimental nature of the last few memories they will share with their friends in school. As the yearbook distribution was held on the same day, some seniors were flooded with emotions of accomplishment and nostalgia.

“Waiting on line to get our yearbook felt surreal; it was so crazy realizing that soon we’d be leaving high school and moving on with our lives. Everyone who went through high school has felt this, so it doesn’t feel like it’s abnormal, but it still feels weird knowing we’re closing a chapter of our lives. Reading through the yearbook made me realize I’m so grateful I’ll have so much to miss when I leave (channeling my inner Winnie the Pooh),” senior Ishita Bansal said.

“The work for the book this year started back in July of 2022 and production got kicked into high gear right as school started, as we had our first meeting on September 2,” Lance design editor Sam Tsui said. “As we had meetings twice a week and we worked on our assignments throughout the week, it felt like a big weight was lifted off our shoulders after we submitted our pages for our last deadline in March. It felt even more accomplishing after seeing the book in person, and my first reaction towards the book was ‘wow this book is real.’ Also, knowing that the majority of students were also satisfied with the book, it felt really good seeing everyone’s hard work to be worthwhile, set in time and ‘For the Record.’”

Source by Samarth Jani

Seniors Anjali Macwan and Luke Jacob smile for the camera repping their respective colleges. Anjali Macwan will be attending Adelphi University for Biology and Luke Jacob will be attending the New York Institute of Technology B.S.D.O. program for Life Sciences.

“Getting my yearbook as a senior who’s been a part of Lance for three years is an extremely sentimental feeling. After spending a lot of time working on Class of 2021’s yearbook, Class of 2022’s yearbook and now my own, it feels extremely satisfactory. We put in months of effort and spent so many late nights that it feels like such a victory to see the work we put in come into life,” Lance copy editor Brenda Bolouvi said.

In the final events leading up to the last day of school, NHP’s seniors reflected on years of cherished memories as they flipped through their yearbooks and anticipated their upcoming opportunities as they stood on the threshold of new beginnings by representing college merch.


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