By Rahul Kapur
Marvel Cinematic Universe, the production company behind movies such as “The Avengers” and “Iron Man,” has just released their latest series, “WandaVision,” on Disney+. This is the first of many projects in Marvel Cinematic Universe’s new Phase 4 collection of films and television shows, and the story of the series is set after the movie “Avengers: Endgame.”
This new show deals with the characters Wanda, also known as the Scarlet Witch, and Vision as they navigate across several decades through sitcoms. The two characters are happily married, and they deal with day-to-day problems such as disastrous dinner parties and pregnancy plots, throughout the series. Furthermore, “WandaVision” is performed in front of a live studio audience.
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“WandaVision” has gained popularity on Disney+ with a new a creative storyline.
“‘WandaVision’ is such a fun show to watch and when I watched it for the first time, I was amazed at the set design and how the characters were written as if they were from that decade. One of my personal favorite things about the series so far is the theme song in the beginning of it since it is so catchy. I am so excited to see more episodes of ‘WandaVision’ and see what twists are in store,” said senior Navdeep Kaur.
“WandaVision” also introduces many new storylines and characters that audiences and critics alike are excited to see on the screen. Based on the first three episodes, it is clear how “WandaVision” varies from preceding “Avengers”-oriented series. Usually, when “Avengers” movies are mentioned, people tend to think of movies with action and comedy. However, this series takes a different approach in that it focuses on the relationship of the two main characters and how they deal with their problems.
“‘WandaVision’ is such a weird and funny show to watch. The homages that they did with shows from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s so far are amazing and are accurate to the shows of that time. The actors really put their best effort into the show and I am excited to see what the real intention is. I’m so invested in this show that I even watch theory videos about the episodes and what they truly mean,” said sophomore Simrit Kaur.