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Ava's Adieu

By Ava Geigle

Dear my fellow Gladiators,

As the year suddenly comes to an end, I would like to thank you for such a great year! We laughed, we cheered on the stands, we helped out our NHP community and we came together as one this year, better than ever, and STEPPED IT UP!

It has been such a privilege to serve the gladiator community this year, and you all have proved how special you are! The rest of the student council and I could not have done it without you! We planned many events such as movie nights, fundraisers and P.S. I Love You Day! With your help, the positivity project was also a huge success! We really came together this year to prove that after the toughest of times, we can come back together and continue to spread love, support and optimism for another great year!

As I conclude my senior year, I would like to offer one last bit of advice to you all! Continue to smile, be positive, be kind, and be grateful for the good! Although my days here have come to an end, it’s not too late for you! Tomorrow is a new day, and next year is a new year :)


Ava Geigle

Source from Ava Geigle

Student Council President Ava Giegle will be attending Marist College in their Honors College majoring in Adolescent/Secondary Education with a specialization in Biology.

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