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New Year Resolutions: How The Chariot Staff Is Kicking Off the New Year

By The Chariot Staff

Reproduced with permission from Wikimedia Commons

The Chariot staff reflects on their goals and ambitions for the upcoming year.


Linda Cheung: My New Year’s resolution is to practice gratitude and be grateful for my friends, my family, and the life that I have. I am already so grateful for our amazing staff on Chariot and I can’t wait to enjoy many more issues to come!

Fiona O’Reilly: I think the New Year is an amazing time to bring a refreshed mindset to all that I do, including The Chariot! My New Year’s Resolution for Chariot is to maintain a positive mindset, even through our most stressful times. I want to be more mindful of how radiant energy can be- and bring my best energy to The Chariot always!

Features Section Editors:

Shohom Chakraborty: My resolution for The Chariot is definitely to expand my writing skills and diversify what I write about. As for my general resolutions for the New Year, I hope to continue to improve my physical and mental health as much as I can. 

Julia Kim: The New Year is a great time to pick off my bad habits, and start a few good ones. One example would be to better delegate my time towards communicating with my Chariot peers–including writers and staff. I also hope to dedicate more time to my studies, and towards the people around me! 

Marco Valle: My resolution is to prioritize creating a better balance between my social, physical and mental health. I want to spend more time with friends, ensure that I engage in some physical activity each day in addition to managing stress and anxiety.

News Section Editors:

Rachel Jacob: With the start of a new year, I would like to bring a productive year–which includes editing my articles as soon as they're done to ensure a proper workload. My personal resolution would be to start lifting again.

Darsh Mirchandani: With the new year, I want to redouble my commitment to The Chariot. I am going to prioritize the paper so that I complete my assigned tasks before time and be able to take on more responsibility. Outside of school, my goal for the new year is to focus more on my social relationships and on personal development. 

Entertainment Section Editors:

Michayla Rinaldi: As a senior, it can be difficult to stay motivated in the second half of the year with college coming so soon. My resolution as a Chariot staffer is to maintain the drive I have in my responsibilities as editor. Personally, as I move into the next stage of my life going to college, I want to continue my hard work in school but also allow myself to have a ton of fun in the upcoming year and be open to all the new opportunities coming to me. 

Abhiveer Singh: My Chariot resolution is to finish editing all my articles a few days before they are due. My New Year's resolution for my personal life is to be more consistent with my habits. 

Sports Section Editors:

Arjit Nair: My resolution for the upcoming year is to work to balance school, sports, and extracurriculars. Starting my day piled up with work and ending it being exhausted from practices can be difficult, so I want to find a passion or practice that can help relieve my stress. I would like to continue my consistency with school and improve to eliminate procrastination.

Dylan Sanichara:  My New Year’s resolution is to be more productive and have better time management skills. Reflecting on 2023 I’ve seen much development in my work ethic and I want to continue to develop in 2024. I would also like to stop procrastinating and slacking off so I can be more efficient and practice new hobbies. 


Staff Writers:

Jacob Boldur: This year’s hard work, dedication and determination calls for a step back and not just reflect, but move forward and start from scratch. Looking back at the last year is important, however learning and growing from it is even more important. For me as a Chariot member, I would like to take on articles outside my comfort zone and try writing articles I'm not as knowledgeable about. I am looking forward to the upcoming year and excited to see where it takes us.

Carmela Drossman-Schlossberg: My Chariot resolution is to be better at getting quotes from people for people. My goal for my personal life is to continue to balance school and home life, while still being able to be active in many clubs and extracurricular activities (especially Chariot).

Fatima Naysa: I think the most important thing about New Years is not the new year but the reflection of all the other years. Doing a reflection on your progress in life is important and helps you develop new resolutions even if one doesn’t follow them. Progress is important and acknowledging that progress is even more important. So at that being said, my goal for The Chariot is to not be afraid to ask for help. Some of my New Year's personal resolutions are to be consistent in any activity (with better time management), dedicate more to studies and publish a piece of literature. 

Manal Rashid: Going into the New Year I want to live in the present and stop stressing about the future. By January I will be done with all my college applications due to which I will

be able to provide my clubs and classes with a lot more attention. So my Chariot resolution is to create more memories with everyone and enjoy every moment. 

Evyn Roliz: As a writer for The Chariot, my goal is to become more confident when conducting interviews. I want to become more comfortable with interviewing staff and faculty, as well as less nervous to reach out to my peers. My personal goal is to live more in the moment. I want to enjoy the time I spend with my friends and family, rather than constantly thinking about the future.

Social Media/Publicity Manager:

Disha Chakraborty: To get better grades and better times in track.


Mary Kay Mannle: Everyone knows that Chariot runs on snacks. After all, how much gets accomplished with a hangry staff? As chief snack provider, I resolve to offer a healthier balance of food for staffers during layout. I also encourage staff members to bring their own favorite snacks to share. Personally, my goal is and remains to attain a healthy life balance. This year, I plan to focus on mindfulness, as it is important to stop every now and then and take a deep breath, take a walk outside or read a book for pleasure.

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