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Marvelous Mutt

By All American Kennel Club

Source by the Chopt expert

Olaf studies and falls asleep on his laptop.

Prodigies in the expansive ring of the animal kingdom are often put on display on various media outlets and tourist locations. Everyone’s heard of Einstein the parrot and the elephant artists of Thailand. Gifted animal prodigies put humans, the supposed superior organism on earth, to shame.

Recently it was reported that a Staffordshire bull terrier Olaf, a former police force trainee, was medaled with the great honor of incredible academic achievement. Olaf was awarded the medal for achievement on the PSAT examination that he was invited to take to test animal aptitude for an animal behavior study conducted by local animal prodigy labs down on Denton Avenue. Olaf was provided a human interpreter, Mr. Peabody, a renowned dog whisperer, who translated and graded his test. Every year about 1.5 million high school students enter the PSAT National Merit academic competition in order to receive a monetary prize and recognition. Scholarships are awarded to a small pool of finalists and semifinalists based on their academic and extracurricular achievements for National Merit status. Olaf was among those finalists gifted the monetary award and medal for his phenomenal achievement. Apart from the fact that Olaf outscored thousands of high school students, he was commended for all he contributed to the community.

“BARK, BARK, BARK…” (This was a great opportunity for me, I learned a lot) said Olaf.

The idea of watching an animal standing still and solving problems sounds bizarre. Olaf himself was trained under investigative training for seven years and served in the NY police force for a significant amount of time. He was taught to understand words and phrases in his first couple of months in training, while solving trigonometric identities came into play in year five. And people say dogs are the dumb bunch.

The Sharioot staff congratulates Olaf on being medalled a finalist.

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