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Catching Up With the Council

By Deborah Aderibigbe

From greeting students and teachers on their first day to supporting the newest Gladiators, NHP’s 2022-2023 Student Council plans to do it all. With members Deborah Aderibigbe, Natalie Bak, Caley Caleca, Ava and Alexa Geigle, Kitty Guan, Anthony Lasala, Darsh Mirchandani and Marco Valle, this year’s Student Council is both diverse and assiduous.

In regard to this school year, the Student Council wants to get the student body more involved in school-sponsored events and participate in activities that have never been done before.

“I’m excited to make changes around the school this year. With everything back to normal, all of the officers will be making this school is a better and more fun place. We already brought back the seventh-grade dance and much more is to come,” junior Anthony Lasala said.

“I enjoy being a leader, supporting and helping others. I hope everyone gets involved this year and has an amazing time! As part of the Student Council, I will try my best to make sure everyone’s ideas are acknowledged and heard. My goals for this school year is to make sure no one is left out and everyone enjoys being part of NHP!” freshman Kitty Guan said.

The Student Council has already begun fundraising. They are currently planning to raise money for a Thanksgiving event and to donate to the community. In the beginning of October, they held their first bake sale.

Source by Kristen Schneider

Student Council officers Natalie Bak, Anthony LaSala, Alexa Geigle, Deborah Aderibigbe, Ava Geigle, Kitty Guan and Caley Caleca prepare a scrumptious table of snacks and drinks for the students of NHP.

Additionally, the Student Council has intentions of refining the school lunch selection. The members hope that this year will enable these ideas to come to fruition.

“Something that we are pushing for... is the limited lunch options given to students. This issue falls to the entire school district, not only the students at NHP. This being said, it won’t stop us from being vocal about our expectations of inclusivity at our school,” sophomore Marco Valle said.

As the school year continues, New Hyde Park awaits upcoming events and announcements from this year’s Student Council.


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